Thursday, July 03, 2008


These days Quebec City celebrates its 400th anniversary. Impressing age that deserves a grand celebration; even I, a declared opponent of Quebec's policies and lifestyle, I went, together with my husband, to the beautiful city (why not admit it?), hoping this would be my last trip there for a loooong time. Newspapers were fighting for the most beautiful pictures and touching articles, people were eating poutine (a specific dish consisting of french fries topped with cheese and some kind of sauce) and getting drunk, politicians were giving speeches praising Quebec's heritage... all in all, the atmosphere was pretty festive.

And then came July 1, Canada's day. This year Canada turned 141. You would think that this is an even greater reason to celbrate; after all, this IS your COUNTRY'S anniversary. Well, not quite. July 1 is declared moving day in Quebec. The only province that has a moving day decided to pick Canada's day for people to move. Why should they be happy and remember that they too are a part of Canada? No, let them carry heavy pieces of furniture and get stressed over moving prices! On top of that, if you picked up next day's paper you would discover huge front page articles about the whole process of moving your precious belongings from one dwelling to the other. Not even a single word about Canada Day. Not on the first page, not on the second... and not on the last. And yet, the Prime Minister went today to Quebec City to honour its existence.

Have I ever told you that you suck? Stop remembering and start having an honourable life!

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