Barack Obama for President... I Guess

One of my biggest wishes for this year is to see a Democrat win the U.S. presidential elections. I've had enough of George Bush (before writing his name, I erased 6 adjectives that always come to mind when thinking of him) and I believe that no one could do more harm than him... except for all the Republicans put together. They are just a bunch of extremist, gold-digging racist people who would not think for a second of putting their country's and the world's best interest before their personal hunts. At some point I was attracted by the idea of seeing Giuliani in the White House, but his messages against illegal immigration turned me off big time. It's not an issue of supporting illegal immigrants, even though I was one of them. My problem with this matter is the lack of integrity U.S. politicians have been proving for the last 7 years, at least, when promising they would offer most immigrants a chance to get their Green Card after many years of hard work, while behind closed doors they didn't know which better means would help them hunt illegal immigrants down and send them home. It's true, at the end they came up with this 5-year residence, after which people would have to leave the States. Of course, let's have them work like slaves for 5 years, live in inhuman conditions and then chase them away; they'll have a few more dollars in their pocket and we'll build our economy on their backs.
The Democrats, on the other hand, have always shown more concern about immigrants, be it legal or illegal. The economy has always done better during their time and, although Bush doesn't leave much space for any effective positive changes, there's still a tiny hope that at least things won't change for the worse. Between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I tend to support the latter, although I haven't followed that much his agenda. I only know that Hilary has never had to deal with poverty and will surely not care so much about immigrants, while Obama's father himself was an immigrant from Kenya... let aside the fact that he represents a visible minority. So Hilary's a woman... and? Women already have a good life and I don't see her fighting for any more rights... a woman, even the President, will never be able to change what a society dominated by men managed to build in so many years. I don't think that's what we need. It's surely not what I need. I need a world with less wars, if not none, U.S. with more respect for themselves and for the others and a neighbor who won't provoke Canada's collapse. I'm not forgetting that all of them are politicians before anything else, but I just see Obama as a valid president and as someone who might care less about oil and more about people. If that's possible.
Nu ma pricep la politica , dar tare ma tem ca o sa castige Hillary Clinton.
Ma indoiesc tare de tot :-). Om trai si-om vedea...
Hola Mirela, primera vez que visito tu blog, ¡buenísimo! No sabía en qué post comentar pero me decidí por este. Creo que Clinton es una 'americana' más, no le veo madera de presidenta para nada, la mujer no tiene nada de especial... y no es un comentario misógino ni nada por el estilo, pero hay que admitir cuando una de nosotras no da el ancho para lo que cree que puede hacer, manejar, lo que sea.
Obama, por otra parte, es, como lo has dicho, la minoría, representa los intereses de la verdadera gente, y se interesa por ellos. Ojalá gane y levante su país porque de él depende, desafortunadamente, mi tierra natal y en la que ahora habito... bueno, de EEUU depende gran parte del mundo, no porque sea un apoyo o algo, sino porque sus decisiones por lo general pasan a joderse a la mitad de la población.
Esperemos que venga algo mejor.
¿Y cuáles eran los adjetivos para Bush?
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