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Rest in Peace, Heath Ledger!
He was an amazing actor, with a great future ahead of him due to his tremendous potential and his professionalism. There is not one role of his that I know of to have left me disappointed. He was only 28 years old. And he died today... I completely doubt a potential suicide, since I don't think his integrity would have let him accept to be found this way... naked. I'm suspecting a stupid, damned, illogical accident!!! I am so, so, so sorry about this loss... he was one of the few potential Hollywood eternal stars, but he didn't deserve to become one so soon.His recently finished movie, The Dark Knight, will have its premiere on July 18 of this year. One last tribute to his sky-rocketing, yet unfairly short career.May he rest in peace!
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca! Pana la urma a murit din cauze naturale ?
Inca nu s-a aflat exact cauza morii, se pare ca saptamana viitoare. In orice caz, cantitatea de medicamente/ somnifere din corpul sau nu era atat de mare incat sa-l omoare - asta este cam singurul lucru sigur pe care l-am citi in ultimele zile. Si faptul ca nu este sinucidere, dar de asta chiar nu ma indoiam.
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