What the Hell Is Wrong with Me???
I must have too many things on my mind, otherwise I can't explain the stupidity of missing words in 3 out of 5 translations! I know I'm very worried about lots of stuff and that my mind wonders off with every minute, but it's never happened to me before, not even when I was really, really upset. I was laughing today when seeing that I had missed 4 words... thus loosing 3.6 points. I felt like hitting myself with a brick, but I could only laugh. What the hell? I thought I was stronger! Come on, Mirela, wake up and stop acting like that! The worse is yet to come.
Last day of school...let the vacation begin
10 years ago
esti cam plangacioasa...nu prea te recunosc
Tu glumesti, nu? Nu spuneai ca mereu bat campii? N-am mai facut-o de mult timp. Aveam si eu nevoie de chestia asta ca sa ma descarc... lasa-ma sa fiu plangacioasa cand am nevoie.
pai daca nu mai intri pe mess maica, sa mai plangi pe umerii prietenilor...
Nu vreau sa ma plang direct de data asta. O sa ma descurc. In schimb, daca prietenii mai pot astepta o luna, as fi foarte bucuroasa sa vorbim dupa aceea.
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