Sunday, May 11, 2008

Artificial Intelligence

U.S. authorities have decided that taking your shoes off and having your fingerprints taken at the border just doesn't do the trick anymore. A new law, which has been discussed for a while now, allows officers to download all the files you have in your computer and to even seize your laptop for an uncertain period of time. After all, I'm sure that any terrorist wannabe would enter the U.S.A. with laptops full of maps of mine fields and instructions on how to hijack bicycles.
It seems that Bush is trying harder than ever to leave an abominable legacy and to get his name on top of the "roller coaster to hell" list. How long will everyone let the U.S. bully them and ignore human rights? Until now, only Brazil has taken a step in the right direction. A friend of mine was telling me about how the South American country stops U.S. citizens at the boarder and keeps them for hours in a row, while taking their fingertips and analyzing their criminal record. Why don't all other countries have the guts to do that? After all, one is only as powerful as the others let him be.

Source: The Inquirer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ce faci bre, pui la îndoială dreptul statului de a stabili că nu ai drepturi?

ce mai faci măi fată?
long time no see